ut of it. Your consistent hard work and strong will power needs a strategic program approach So, to get the strategic approach get in touch with our Rehabilitation Center in Shahpur today.
Alcohol and drug mat Our Rehabilitation Center in Shahpur
Many youngsters and adults fall into the trap of addiction. There are times when, even after family support, and strong will power, they are unable to quit addiction. Believe it or not, you need the right medication and proper care and support to get out of addiction.
Our Rehabilitation Center in Shahpur makes sure that you get family- like treatment and a positive environment during the treatment. We understand that even today, rehabs are taboo in our society. Therefore, we offer you a judgment-free positive environment so that you can learn, grow and appreciate yourself. All your information is kept confidential and no details are shared with anyone.
We have a team of the best doctors, nurses, counselors, therapists and physiotherapists to help you and guide you. At Navjyoti Foundation we believe that nutrition plays a quintessential role in drug or alcohol addiction treatment. Therefore, we have a team of nutritionists who take care of the diet and nutrition of every patient. We have enough space for recreational activities so that patients can learn new things each day and spend quality time in the lapse of nature. There is enough greenery that keeps the patient positive and happy